The power of long time travel

• Can we make a wish for you?

We wish for you to embark on a long lasting travel experience at least once in your life time, because what we only once imagined about this kind of travels couldn’t even reach the incredible feeling that spending 8 months continually roaming the world actually gave us.

We are all used to go on holiday for a few weeks at the time, maybe go on a few tours, museums and walks in the most populated areas.

Am I right?

What we want to talk to you about here is spending a few month totally immerse in the culture, going around as the locals do, eat where they do, with them! Truly understanding how life is lived in a country so far away from yours, so much that one day, when you are home and someone mentions a place you have been to you can see it, clear as day,  you can close your eyes and get transported there in an instant. Because you fully lived it. Not only the good parts but the complicated ones, the struggles they might go through, what makes them happy and worried. This is what we mean with “The power of long time travel”.

Tourist or Voyager?

We weren’t alway like this you know?

I would have described us more like “comfortable travellers”, yes we were used to go through some tougher moments to maybe save some money here and there, but I would have never expected that our favourite place after 8 months in South East Asia will turn out to be the harder to get to, the less industrialised one,  the more raw, rural and intense. And yet it was!

Because we will never forget the smiles on those kids faces in a far away Sumba Indonesia, so happy looking at two strangers that decided to spend the afternoon with them, getting to know them, letting them know us and where we come from.

Understanding a culture so deeply connecting to an emotional level with it’s people it’s truly priceless, so much that the only feeling of not be there anymore makes us tear up!

Because you know that it has changed you forever.

A two weeks “holiday” cannot give you this, you will barely scratch the surface!
That’s the difference between being a tourist and voyager,

Which one do you wanna be?

Photo by Ihor Vysochan
Photo by Sergio Kamets